Three Easy Ways to Make a Happier, Healthier more Productive Workspace 2018

Three Easy Ways to Make a Happier, Healthier more Productive Workspace 2018

Three Easy Ways to Make a Happier, Healthier more Productive Workspace 2018

2018 - As we begin this new year, this is a great time to consider ways to make our workspace a happier, healthier more productive environment to work in.  Daily we spend most of our hours, most of our energy and most of our intelligence at work. By engaging with the world of plants, you can boost people’s well-being, improve their health and simply make people’s lives happier and more productive.  Your workspace is more than just a place to make a living, make it a place to live an enjoyable life.

Here are three simple ways to achieve this by engage with the world of plants ;

1. Biophilia

Biophilia suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. Edward O. Wilson introduced and popularised the hypothesis in his book, Biophilia (1984) Creating this connection by bringing the plants indoors is a growing movement to create healthier workspaces.  By using larger indoor plants, collectively grouping them together in plant installations, by building living walls on otherwise redundant wall space, by using available outdoor space where colleagues can sow and grow plants, all this interaction with natural elements will boost mood, health and productivity.

2. Encouragement

Encourage your colleagues to bring plants to their work desk. It’s easy, try Cacti and Succulent plants, they are simple to look after and enjoy the bright lights of the office and computer screens. They are easy to grow, require less watering, usually one per month and endure drier conditions than other houseplants. In the wild they are found in hot and dry environments, mostly in Mexico and the Southern states of the US. Sitting on a work desk beside the computer screen they will accept and lap up all energy from the surrounding light sources.

3. Creativity

“Creativity is Intelligence having fun” this is an inspiring quote (author unknow). Why not encourage creativity amongst your colleagues by engaging with a plant based workshop? Examples of workshop topics – Increasing team morale through terrarium building – Office planting and GIY gardening – Recycling, composting and zero waste to landfill – Connecting the office space to the outdoors – Earth month. These workshops are easy to set up and the benefits to your colleagues is inspiring. “we’re still bussing with Christmas fun from the wreath making workshop yesterday” this is a quote from Kate who attended our workshop in December.  The workshops are one hour in duration and for teams of 5 to 50.

What do we offer ?

Our workshops are fun and creative and are suitable for:

– Boosting morale and increase productivity.

– Integrating new employees into an existing team.

– Achieving common goals by working together.

– Improving relationships and communications within or between teams.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the benefits of connecting people to plants and their natural environmental.  If your wish for 2018 is to be a creator, a leader and self-starter try some of these simple ways to make your workspace a happier, healthier more productive environment.


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